Domestic Violence & Abuse Attorneys in Wisconsin

Learn about domestic violence and abuse from award-winning Wisconsin family law attorneys

Everyone deserves safe and loving relationships. When your well being is put in jeopardy, it’s the job of a legal team to advocate and secure your protection. Learn the details of domestic violence laws in Wisconsin below.

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Domestic Violence & Abuse Is A Serious Offense

content reviewed by attorney David Iancu Legally reviewed for accuracy by Attorney David Iancu

The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. Talk to a lawyer today for legal advice

Domestic abuse is a serious offense, and is not taken light by the courts. If you are seeking a divorce and have been abused physically or emotionally, contact our attorneys at Karp & Iancu today. We have been working divorce cases for over 45 years and can help make sure you take the necessary steps to ensure your safety and the safety of your family.

Domestic abuse is very serious and can have a large impact on your divorce proceedings. If you have been abused and are thinking about filing or have already filed for divorce, it is very important to bring that information up right away to your lawyer. If you have been accused of domestic violence, reach out to our lawyers immediately for help with your case.

What Is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse is the infliction of pain, injury, fear, or illness on a family member. Even if your spouse didn’t physically harm you, you may have evidence that they threatened you or your children with violence.

When you’re faced with domestic violence from a family member, you’ll need to understand the dangers you could be in and how you can protect your family. Domestic abuse can escalate during such a tense time as a divorce, but acting now can help protect you and your children. Domestic abuse charges can heavily impact your custody agreement with your spouse. If the court finds evidence that your spouse harmed you or your children, you may receive sole custody of your children.

Talk to a Domestic Violence Attorney


Talk to a lawyer

Your safety is our number one priority. If you're ready to seek out legal protection for you or a family member, schedule a confidential consultation with us or complete the form below.


Build evidence & case

Whether a restraining order, divorce, or a new child custody arrangement is warranted, we're are here to listen and gather the information needed to get you back the life that you deserve.


File annulment with the court

Enlisting the counsel of an experience attorney who can file papers with your county court is one of the first steps to breaking the cycle

Defending Yourself Against Domestic Abuse

When you’re afraid that your spouse may take physical action against you, it makes your divorce proceedings that much more difficult. The threat of violence is frightening, making it more difficult to get yourself out of that situation and protect yourself.

If you’re concerned about abuse, our attorneys can help you file for a restraining order during your court proceedings, which may become a long-term order. Once this is done, speak to your lawyer about your court proceedings. While domestic abuse accusations or charges may not affect other parts of your divorce, they can play a major role in deciding where your children will live.

Child custody is decided based on the child’s best interests. This decision includes many factors, but a domestic abuse charge can affect the proceedings more than many other factors. Your child should have a safe home, so proof of domestic violence may prevent your spouse from seeking custody.

Protect Yourself – Contact Us to Represent You

Domestic abuse can have a major effect on your divorce proceedings. It can also be draining and difficult to gather evidence and protect yourself. Our attorneys understand how complex and painful dealing with domestic abuse can be. We can step in to help you put together a plan moving forward, making the process easier.

If you’re struggling with abuse and are looking to file for divorce, reach out to us by giving us a call anytime, or fill out the form below. We want to help you get the protection you and your children need.

Talk to a Domestic Violence Attorney

Our Wisconsin family law practice provides counsel for a range of legal matters

Our lawyers don't stop with helping people take back control over their lives. We've also won awards for cases involving the following practice areas of family law in Wisconsin:

Alimony & Maintenance

Marriage isn’t always equal—and neither is divorce. You may have made unequal caretaking or financial contributions to the family. We will help you fight to make sure those contributions are acknowledged and compensated.

More about alimony

Child Custody & Visitation

Learn whether sole custody or joint custody is best for your children, and find a visitation schedule that will work for your family.

More about child custody

Child Relocation

Do you have questions about where you can relocate your children in the state of Wisconsin? We can help you understand the laws surrounding relocating a child.

More about child relocation

Child Support

When you’re a parent going through a divorce, your first concern is likely your children. Our lawyers are experts in guiding clients through the options available. We understand your top priority is making sure your children are taken care of.

More about child support

Property & Assets

When you’re facing a division of marital property, it can be tough to ensure you’ll get a fair share of the assets. We’ll work with you to determine what is and is not part of the marital estate and will help you claim what is rightfully yours.

More about assets


Divorce is difficult & exhausting, but it's not devastating or complicated with the right attorneys on your side.

Our Approach to Divorce

Legal Separation

An alternative to divorce that still allows you to define your rights to your children and finances while claiming your independence.

More about legal separation

Military Divorce

We've been helping clients navigate the complex Wisconsin military divorce laws for decades.

More about military divorce


Whether paternity is established by acknowledgement or only after genetic tests, we are here to help you through the process from start to finish.

More about paternity

Meet our award-winning Wisconsin family law & divorce attorneys

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Karp & Iancu, S.C. Family & Divorce Lawyers
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"The representation by Karp & Iancu that I received was very helpful to guide me through the difficult passage from marriage to divorce. I would highly recommend retaining Karp & Iancu as they were able to provide highly valuable information and guidance to reach an amicable settlement with my spouse."

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