Property, Debt, & Finances

  1. Paying Maintenance Arrears in Wisconsin

    You Probably Can’t Avoid It. This article was originally written by attorney David Karp  and published on (link). When two people file for divorce, depending on differing levels of income, one spouse may be owed financial support from the other spouse with respect to child support, family support payments, or maintenance payments. Spousal maintenance…

  2. Financial Disclosure Statements in an Uncontested Divorce

    In an uncontested divorce, the parties agree to end the marriage without litigation. Sometimes, they may even have laid out what each spouse will walk away with from the marriage. So why does each spouse have to share financials with each other? Why You Need a Financial Disclosure Statement There are two reasons for this….

  3. The Importance of a Financial Disclosure Statement

    When going through a divorce or legal separation, one of the most important documents you will need to complete is a financial disclosure statement under oath. In Wisconsin, there is a strong emphases on the importance of this financial disclosure statement, which is to be completed by both parties on an annual basis. Financial Disclosure…

  4. Annual Exchange of Financial Information in Wisconsin

    Over the last few days, I have fielded a number of questions dealing with the law in Wisconsin that requires an annual exchange of financial information when divorced with children. Many don’t even know the law exists, or there is a such a requirement. Others ask me, what is the due date for the exchange?…

  5. Child Support: How Do You Calculate Income?

    I was asked the other day when computing child support, what should you be looking at?  Should you be looking at current income, last year’s income, year to date income, or some combination of all the above? What is the most accurate portrayal of a person’s income for purposes of calculating child support? Where to…

  6. How Will Divorce Affect My Taxes in Wisconsin?

    Tax reform is an important topic in the news currently, in part due to the fact that the recent Tax Cuts and Jobs Act have a significant impact on what happens to people’s taxes when they are getting a divorce in Wisconsin. Common Wisconsin Tax Deductions and Exemptions Most people are aware that when you…

  7. When do “variable costs” apply in Wisconsin?

    Navigating the complexities of divorce in Wisconsin can be emotionally and financially challenging. Understanding the concept of ‘variable costs’ is crucial for anyone facing this life transition. While the average cost of divorce in Wisconsin can vary significantly, understanding how variable costs factor into the equation is essential for making informed decisions. What are “variable…

  8. Day care expenses and child support

    You have little children at home and both of you work. You are going through a divorce and wonder how day care is going to be paid for. Does child support cover day care costs? Are day care costs covered separately over and above child support? Are day care costs considered “variable costs” and paid…

  9. What is a QDRO and do I need one? 

    QDROs are specialized court orders used to divide qualified retirement assets. What is a QDRO and how does it work? “QDRO” (commonly pronounced “cue-droh” or “kwah-droh”) is an acronym that stands for Qualified Domestic Relations Order. A QDRO is a special kind of court order that is required to divide certain retirement assets (typically defined…

  10. Revisions to Child support in Wisconsin

    Effective July 1, 2018, there are changes to the child support laws in the state of Wisconsin. The standard for determining child support changed, including revising “variable costs” where parents have shared or equal placement of their children. Under the previous law, “variable costs” were defined as “the reasonable costs above basic support costs incurred…

  11. Who gets the Diamond Ring?

    When getting a divorce, who gets to keep the diamond engagement/wedding ring? When a couple are engaged and do not get married, in Wisconsin, the law is the ring gets returned to the person who bought it, irrespective of who broke off the engagement. The ring must be returned. What happens in a divorce case?…

  12. Can one attorney represent both parties in a divorce in Wisconsin? part 2

    The other day I wrote a blog on whether one lawyer can represent both parties in a divorce case. The traditional view has been that the attorney cannot do so as it is an inherent conflict of interest. I subscribe to the traditional view. However, there is a countervailing view under the new Wisconsin’s limited…

  13. Contingency Fees in Family law Cases?

    I was asked recently if we could handle a divorce for a contingent fee, much like personal injury lawyers charge 1/3 for representing victims in accident cases. It is an interesting thought. Since 50-70% of all family law cases are pro se litigants, if a person going through a divorce or other family law case…

  14. What happens when QDRO fees are not paid.

    It is a frequent problem when completing a divorce case, that where there are retirement benefits to divide, one of the parties fails to pay their portion of the drafting fees, and the QDROs do not get completed. Completing the QDROs (qualified domestic relations orders) is essential for the protection of the non-employee spouse, to…

  15. Buying a new car in the middle of a divorce

    Sometimes in the middle of a divorce, your car breaks down and you realize that it is time to replace that old junker and get a new car. Can you do that in the middle of a divorce? If so, is it marital property? Can you take a loan out on the car? What happens…

  16. Collecting Retroactive Child Support in Wisconsin

    When can you collect back child support owed? From the birth of the children? From the time you separate? From the time you file a motion with the court? From the time the other party is served with the motion for court? From the time you are in court and the court orders support? Under…

  17. Child support errors- Pro se Litigants

    I have done a number of recent blogs about mistakes pro se litigants make. No, I am not picking on people who represent themselves when getting a divorce. Instead, the purpose of this series of blogs on the topic, is to avoid other people going through a divorce making similar mistakes. As many as 50%…

  18. Waiver of Maintenance in Wisconsin

    You are going through a divorce, and the proposed marital settlement agreement calls for a waiver or termination of maintenance payments at the time of the granting of the final divorce. You are not sure what that means, and whether you should waive or not. First off, what is maintenance? Maintenance is the right to…

  19. Who keeps the tax refund?

    This is the time of year that we field a lot of questions from clients, and people seeking general information on how to file their income tax returns and who gets to keep the tax refund. People going through a divorce start to think that if they file separate, but married income taxes for the…

  20. Forgiveness of Child support Arrears

    There have been a flurry of questions posed on some of the “ask lawyer” web sites like AVVO and LAWYERS.COM about whether a person can file a motion or request with the court to be relieved of their built up child support arrearages. The answer is no. The only person who can compromise or forgive…

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"The representation by Karp & Iancu that I received was very helpful to guide me through the difficult passage from marriage to divorce. I would highly recommend retaining Karp & Iancu as they were able to provide highly valuable information and guidance to reach an amicable settlement with my spouse."

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