Property, Debt, & Finances

  1. When does child support start when divorcing in Wisconsin?

    You have filed for divorce and requested child support in your initial petition for divorce, but no one has exactly explained how you go about to receive child support? How do you go about to receive child support? How is the amount determined? When does it start? Does your spouse pay it to you or…

  2. IRS form 8332; child dependency exemption

    A frequently asked question is which parent in a divorce can claim the tax dependency exemption for the minor child? Under Federal law, the custodial parent is automatically entitled to claim the child as a tax dependency exemption. However, the exemption can be waived either by the custodial parent agreeing to the waiver or by…

  3. Pre-Marital Assets; exempt under Wisconsin law?

    I have been getting a lot of questions and inquiries lately on how pre-marital assets are treated in a divorce case under Wisconsin law. Are the assets exempt from property division or are they divisible under Wisconsin law? All property in a divorce case in Wisconsin, whether acquired before the marriage or during the marriage…

  4. Maintenance; How long in Wisconsin?

    One of the issues that creeps up when dealing with a maintenance issue (spousal support), is the question of how long should the term of maintenance be. Today’s blog will address the various scenarios for the length or term of maintenance. 1. HOLD OPEN. I have discussed this issue in a blog from last year…

  5. Cohabitation can affect maintenance payments in Wisconsin

    Under Wisconsin law, when you are receiving maintenance payments (better commonly known as “alimony”) and if you get remarried, your payments automatically stop under Wisconsin law. What happens, if you live with someone instead? Do your payments automatically stop? Under the law in this state, cohabitation is a factor that the court can consider in…

  6. Is Wisconsin a 50/50 state for divorce?

    It is surprising that most people don’t know the answer to this question. We are frequently asked the question and the answer is yes. Wisconsin, since 1977, has been a marital property law state when it comes to a family getting a divorce or legal separation in Wisconsin. This means that there is a legal…

  7. When does child support end in Wisconsin?

    When you are under a support obligation for little children, it seems as though that obligation for support may never go away. At some point though, a parent no longer is obligated to pay support. When, under Wisconsin law does that duty end? The answer lies in sec. 767.511 (4) and reads as follows; “AGE…

  8. Family Support- What is it?

    Family support is a hybrid of child support and maintenance combined together. It allows the person who  is paying to deduct the payments, assuming all the requirements of sec. IRC 71 and 215 are met, and requires the payee to report the payments as taxable income. Child support is non taxable-non deductible. Maintenance (spousal support…

  9. Failure to File a Financial Disclosure Statement in Wisconsin

    You are involved in a divorce and your spouse has decided to go at it alone without a lawyer. While they have a right to do that, they also at the same time, must comply with the laws and procedures under the family code, chapter 767 of the Wisconsin Statutes. One of those requirements, is…

  10. Selling off property in the middle of a divorce

    Someone asked me the other day if you need money, can you start selling off property in the middle of the divorce? The answer is generally no, as there is a statutory prohibition for doing so, once the divorce is filed. There are some exceptions and I will cover those as well. WI STAT. 767.117…

  11. Can My Lawyer Drop My Case If I Don’t Pay?

    A frequently asked question, and an all to frequent occurrence, is a client who is in the middle of a divorce, and has stopped paying attorney’s fees. There are usually two reasons why a client stops payment to the attorney; 1. They simply don’t have the money and can’t afford to pay or 2. They…

  12. What Significance Is The New Spouse’s Income To Support Obligations?

    A frequently asked question at some of the lawyer web sites, such as Avvo and, is can a new spouse’s income be considered for purposes of child support or maintenance payments? The answer under Wisconsin law, is no. A new spouse is not obligated to pay support for children that are not theirs, nor…

  13. Can You Deduct Temporary Maintenance Payments?

    It is tax season. I am frequently asked if a person who is obligated under a temporary court order may deduct those maintenance (spousal support) payments, from their taxes. While there is no specific I.R.S. rule that says you can’t deduct them, one would need to comply with all of the conditions and terms under…

  14. Can You Buy A House In The Middle Of A Divorce?

    Is there a prohibition on buying a house before the divorce is completed? We know there is a statutory prohibition on selling, disposing, or giving away any marital property in the middle of the divorce without the consent of the other party or by further order of the court, absent it being done in the…

  15. What is a Vocational Examination?

    Many times in divorce cases, we recommend to our clients that they undergo a vocational examination, or the opposing counsel, requests that the party submit to an independent vocational examination. What is a vocational examination and what purpose does it serve? A vocational examination is a process where a person trained and experienced in employment…

  16. Divorce Maintenance (Alimony) in Wisconsin—Waiving vs Holding Open

    When is it Right to Waive Maintenance? Short answer: Essentially it depends on your length of marriage, age, health, income disparity and the ability to support yourself long-term. At the very end of every divorce case (see all steps in the divorce process), there comes the time, typically during the negotiation of the final settlement…

  17. Hold Open Child Support?

    The other day on one of the “ask lawyer” internet web sites, someone posted a question of whether you could waive or hold open child support. The answer to the former is no and the answer to the latter is yes. You cannot waive child support pursuant to a martial settlement agreement, as it is…

  18. What Are “Variable Costs?”

    I deal with a number of disputes over “variable costs.” It seems that a number of litigants do not understand what variable expenses are, when they come into play and how each party is to be held responsible for such costs. If there is a traditional placement arrangement of children, where one parent has primary…

  19. Engagement Is Off – Who Keeps The Ring in Wisconsin?

    You were engaged to be married and got “cold feet” and decided to call it off. Now, you are both arguing about who gets to keep the ring. The person who received the ring feels they are entitled to keep it because you were the one who broke it off. You feel that is unfair,…

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"The representation by Karp & Iancu that I received was very helpful to guide me through the difficult passage from marriage to divorce. I would highly recommend retaining Karp & Iancu as they were able to provide highly valuable information and guidance to reach an amicable settlement with my spouse."

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