
  1. Dating Before a Divorce is Final in Wisconsin

    Know Your Rights & The Risks The end of your marriage is finally in sight and you and your spouse have been separated for what seems like forever. Is it safe to start dating again while your divorce is pending? What happens when you start dating before your divorce is finalized? Read on, to find…

  2. What’s The Danger Of An Adult Dating a Minor?

    Lately, there have been a rash of postings at some of the internet question and answer lawyer sites such as and AVVO, about the wisdom of an adult dating a minor child. The general consensus among most attorneys responding to that question, is that it is not a very good idea, and for the…

  3. Can You Secretly Divorce Your Spouse?

    In an interesting story out of New York City this past week, a woman who is 59 years old, is suing her husband, who is 90 years old, after being married for over 20 years, after he secretly divorced her, just a few short months after they were initially married. The reason the husband claims…

  4. What Are My Rights When It Comes To Cohabitating?

    When a couple live together without the benefit of being married, in a cohabitation, non-marital relationship, they are not afforded the protection of the family code, under Chapter 767 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Wisconsin does not recognize common law marriages. This means that you cannot receive spousal support, and there is no presumptive 50/50 property…

  5. Statute of Limitations on Divorce Judgments?

    Very few people realize that there is a statute of limitations in Wisconsin for enforcing a judgment. While applicable in civil judgments, it is also also applicable in family law cases. If you have any issues with your divorce case that either need modification or enforcement, if you fail to act by filing a motion…

  6. How do you effect a reconciliation in the middle of a divorce?

    While I don’t see a lot of people who are desirous of reconciling during the divorce process, it can happen, and ironically, has happened with some clients of mine over the last several weeks; that is what has triggered this to be the topic of my weekly blog. There are essentially two ways of dealing…

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Karp & Iancu, S.C. Family & Divorce Lawyers
by Douglas T. on Google

"The representation by Karp & Iancu that I received was very helpful to guide me through the difficult passage from marriage to divorce. I would highly recommend retaining Karp & Iancu as they were able to provide highly valuable information and guidance to reach an amicable settlement with my spouse."

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